

Monday, October 6, 2008

...So, Sunday, The 5th October had something special.
Not only because it was Sunday. But, also because it was my BirthDay.
Yes, right. 5th October was my birthday.

What all happened that day, in the morning, was usual. Being lethargic, the start was little tardy.

At around, 0000hrs on that day [night, rather], I attended 40 [well, the count is a bit low] calls, all qued up, one behind the other... More probably, many of them missed the que and they got the Busy notification.
Well, they had their other option then... Messaging.
That day, I recieved approx 7 8 dozens of messages...
Thanks to my cellphone, that has, somewhat, a nice phone memory.

Well, I must tell you... I'm an Audio Producer as well, part-time though... But, I love this...
Soon to end another composition... And hope that'll help a lot for me to be appreciated.

As I said before in my previous Blog Posts, about Getting Deeper Towards Dentistry.
I haven't yet been able to spare time for that... I'll soon be posting that. Please be patient.

1 comment:

  1. that is a really cool blog out there.
    how much time did it consumed to write it all down.
    i really think that you have out done yourself this time.
    just keep updating your blog.
    its like a baby which needs to be properly fed so that it can earn you name and fame someday in the future


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